Posts Tagged ‘skyler’

Skyler Update

Posted: December 4, 2008 by jgrantmarshall in family
Below is an email from Natalie with some sad news regarding Skyler…
So I only have to say it once… Skyler was on our back deck when I came home from work on Tuesday.   He was a mess…very thin and had a goopy nose.  We took him to the vet immediately and they prescribed antibiotics and gave him fluids laced w/ some sort of “energy booster.”  He was very weak but purring constantly.  I’ve been treating him for 2 days, but when I went to give him his meds this morning he was really bad off.  I though he was either gone or very close to it, so took him to the vet again.  He was still with us, but I couldn’t let him suffer any more.  So, we’ll be having yet another difficult discussion and burial tonight.  Thought you’d like to know…